
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Want to know

Even though I know there are no answers I still WANT TO KNOW! I want to know what comes next...I want to know where in the progression he is at this point… Is he at the point where he will be failing faster and faster…should I not be leaving him home alone while I work…Does he need more care… I doing a good job taking care of him, have I asked all the right questions, have I explored all my options……can I trust his opinion….. He is failing, I have noticed a big difference over the last 6 to 9 months. He speaks very little, his eyes are almost stationary, he falls or stumbles multiple times per day, he can barely get out of a chair, he can’t roll over without assistance, he can’t keep his eyes open, he picks at his skin until it bleeds, he can’t hold a utensil correctly, he over stuffs his mouth, he is out of breath getting himself into bed… However he can walk to the bathroom even though it is difficult to get out of the chair, he can use the facility and not always fall, sometimes he makes it back safely, he can pull his shirt over his head and get dressed even though it is difficult and it might take him several tries, he does eat normal food even though it is sometimes difficult ( I have to cut it and turn the plate as he goes so he can see the food), he can walk into a restaurant using his walker but then can’t get into or out of the chair, he has navigated the stairs in the house even though he knows he is not supposed to use them, sometimes he makes it safely and others he falls and we have to rescue him….. So where is he in the progression of then horrible disease!!!