
Monday, October 3, 2011



Bernie has started PT again; he has gone through several series of PT over the last 5 years. For the most part I don’t think either one of us felt it was doing much good. In the beginning he would drive himself back and forth but as his condition progressed and he was no longer able to drive I would take him and that is when I was able to see what was going on. The series of exercises they were having him do I felt were not beneficial to him, and although I am not an expert and have no degree I don’t think sitting on a large ball and lifting your leg and reaching for your toes is a particularly a safe position for people with balance issues. After speaking with the therapist and trying to explain what his needs were she told me she had experience with treating people with his condition (but I don’t believe her). Recently the PA at the movement disorder center recommended PT again telling us it would be helpful with the increased falling Bernie was experiencing. I told him my concerns with going again and he told me I would have to look for someone with specific knowledge on PSP or Parkinsonism. After three weeks of looking and phone calls I settled on Sunnyview Rehabilitation Center in Schenectady, and both Bernie and I are please. We met with a therapist for an evaluation and I had brought literature on PSP and what specifically was happening in people with PSP. After the evaluation we set up a series of appointments for PT, our first one being last Friday. On our first visit the first thing the therapist said to me was she read my pamphlets and what had occurred to her most was that PSP caused backwards falls…..and asked if anyone had ever tried lifts in Bernie’s shoes!! No one had, so she went and got the lifts and put them in his sneakers and Bernie said he noticed a difference as soon as he stood up…so if you have not tried them please do……He says he feels more stable now, not so wobbly like he’s constantly going to go over backwards. This is the difference between therapist who truly want to help and research conditions before starting. She then work mainly with his balance issues, footwork and walking, it was a eye opening appointment and I can’t wait to see what she has in store next.

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