
Monday, May 14, 2012

Breathing is changing; short shallow breaths are taken now instead of the steady deep breathing. Snoring and sleep apnea still an issue when sleeping. Noticeably slower thought process and much softer voice, glazy look to his eyes almost like he is not completely there. Closing of the eyes becoming more of an issue can’t wait to get to the doctor in July for Botox injections, the insurance issue has become a problem and we still have a month and a half to get through before he is covered.
Not sure if anyone else out there had the same issue with insurance as we had but our primary insurance carrier will no longer cover Bernie because he is Medicare part B eligible! Crazy as it sounds…part of his retirement package included insurance coverage comparable to what he had at the time of his retirement to carry through the rest of his life.  And although his premiums are being paid Empire Blue states that they have the right to step back for being his primary insurance plan, so he has been uninsured for 6 months, and they never notified us of this change we just started getting bills for doctor visits and found out by calling to find out why. They state they have no obligation to notify us! Anyway that is behind us we need to focus on what’s ahead but what a joke these insurance companies are…..
This weekend we are going to an informational forum that the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Albany Medical Center is putting on, hoping that we learn something, the last one we attended was in NJ and I learned a lot of things to help Bernie cope with issues he was having.

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