
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8/27/14 This is the first week Bernie has been alone on both Monday and Tuesday…I leave him breakfast every morning on the kitchen table along with the paper. On Monday I called him lunch time to remind him that I had a plate in the refrigerator for him and I was sure to say it several times and tell him to go get it now so he would remember. When I got home I checked the fridge and the plate was still there. Not that it is a big deal to miss one meal but I am hoping this is not going to be a new issue to deal with. I have calls in at 2 home health care places looking into services, I want to have information on hand should I decide to hire out. I am also thinking of asking some family members stop in and check on him, I hate to put them out but I might need the help. I called him Tuesday to remind him and he did eat it that day. His eyes are continuing to worsen he has to really work to get them to move, it’s very sad to watch. His dreams are more vivid to him and he has been acting out on them. He falls out of bed reaching to catch a baseball, he swats at the air over him trying to catch balls or swat flies, and today he got up and walked to his dresser to get a pair of socks and got back into bed holding them, when I asked why he did that he said he didn’t know, he thought maybe he was dreaming… He is full of bruises and sores, he is constantly picking or itching himself until he bleeds and it takes longer for him to heal. I am assuming that some of it is due to his skin changing and weakening. I am not sure if it is the medications, the disease or lack of activity but his skin is not what it used to be. He seem more lethargic to. It gets harder each time to write an update because it seems like the same old stuff just worsening but I want to keep a dated log in hopes it might help to shed some light on the progression of this illness in Bernie. I know I have mentioned it before but he has chosen to donate his brain to PSP for research and I am planning on sending alone these notes and some videos so it shed some light on who is was when he was alive and how PSP affected him.

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