
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

checking in

6/3/15 Where are we now…….doing okay for the most part….falling and stumbling a lot more these days. A couple of weeks ago we were in the ER for a head wound. While trying to get a shirt out of the closet Bernie fell backwards and hit his head on the footboard of the bed requiring 8 staples. About a week later we fell on the back porch cutting his palm open pretty bad but thankfully no head injury. His voice is weak and barely audible, his eyes are closed about 60% of the time (we have stopped Botox as it was not helping anymore) and his eyes are not moving very much anymore, he just seem to stare out at nothing. He has a lot of repetitive hand and foot ticks, mostly the hands, he will use his thumb and bang it against his chin until we have to tell him to stop or grab his hand. While sitting he will shake his legs or tap his feet repeatedly and he is not sure why he is doing this. There is so much more I could write but why…. Who really wants to read about it!

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